Affisch från Paper CollectiveBlack stripes
448,49 kr
+ 69 kr frakt / Inkl. fri returfrakt och 30 dagars ångerrätt+ 69 kr frakt / Inkl. 30 dagars ångerrättInkl. fri frakt och 30 dagars ångerrättInkl. fri frakt och returfrakt
Black stripes - Affisch från Paper Collective
Product name: black stripes Brand name: paper collective Sinuous and flowing, Black Stripes by Swedish artist Jonna Valtner brings you into a world of understated elegance. Inspired by fleeting moments of desire created by classic films and contemporary photography, Valtner deliberately utilises cropping to create a sense of mystery within her compositions. Created by layers of oil paint on canvas, light and shadow further draw you in as the undulating fabric form alludes to a soft breeze floating by.
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SKU: 5713450027033