We are a webshop that believes in taking responsibility for the environment and ethics, and this is a core value of our business. Responsibility is about caring for the planet and the people who live on it, and it's an important part of our business model.
We recognise that the fashion and furniture industry has a major impact on the environment and society. That's why we carefully select the products we sell and work with our suppliers to ensure that they also take the environment and ethics seriously.
We prioritise selling high-quality clothing, furniture and interiors that can last for many years and contribute to a less dominant buy-and-throw-away culture. That's why we offer a wide selection of responsible brands that use good materials and have good social ethics.
We also take responsibility for our packaging and shipping. We mainly use recyclable materials in our shipping packaging and we work with environmentally conscious delivery companies that are strong in green renewable energy.
Our commitment to our responsibility is part of our overall mission to create a more responsible and conscious business model. We believe that small actions can have a big impact, but at the same time we recognise that there is a long way to go to reach the sustainable utopia. It is a process that takes time to implement both in our company but also in the overall mindset of society - but we are enthusiastic and want to make a difference where we can.
"We realise that we are part of the environmental challenge the whole world is facing globally, and that is why we always try to make ethical and environmentally conscious decisions in relation to our business, but also in relation to our products"
- Simon, CEO of Byflou.com
Furniture Purchasing
Sensible purchasing
We take our responsibility for procurement very seriously and endeavour to keep inventory levels to a minimum. We aim to buy to order and directly to the end customer, rather than overstocking our warehouse with unsaleable items. Our purchases are carefully considered and we rarely take chances when it comes to buying large quantities. This way we can minimise the production of unnecessary products, which benefits our suppliers, us and our environment.
Quality and design
Quality is at the centre of our brand and everything we stand for at Byflou.com. We focus on brands and products with high quality and reject those with quality that does not live up to our standards. We believe that quality is the key to durable and functional furniture and interior design that can be used over and over again for many years. Our furniture is selected to transcend both generations and interiors and will always have a timeless and elegant style.
Restoration and care
We believe that products should be durable and easy to maintain. That's why we offer spare parts and treatment for our products. Many suppliers produce spare parts so that end users can repair their products themselves rather than buying a new one. This way you can extend the life of the product and reduce your impact on the environment. We also offer reupholstery of cushions for a selection of our furniture, so they can stay modern and last longer without having to buy new ones.
Fashion Purchasing
Know the customer
When you buy something, you want to be able to sell it again, and that's what we think about when we select our products. We know our customers and want to give them the best selection of styles and sizes. At the same time, we avoid supplementing our stock on main collections, as we want to maintain exclusivity and minimise our inventory. We always research a brand's ethical profile before adding them to our selection and with the growing demand for ethical fashion, it's a natural part of our purchasing strategy.
Quality over quantity
We believe that quality and price are linked, and we always emphasise quality over quantity. Longer-lasting clothes are inherently more responsible, as they reduce the need to buy new clothes frequently. We want to put an end to the buy-and-throw-out culture and instead focus on timeless styles that are fashionable for several seasons, as well as good basic styles that can be a permanent part of the wardrobe all year round. This way, you can create a smaller wardrobe that is still highly functional and versatile.
Washing and care
To prolong the life of our products, we encourage our customers to give their clothes and jewellery the best possible care. We offer guides and tutorials on how to best care for your products. Laundry requires large amounts of water and frequent washing is rarely necessary. That's why we sell alternative ways to care for your clothes, such as steam and scent. This way you can both extend the life of the product and reduce the negative impact on the environment.
"The quality is really important in my book and just makes your clothes last longer. Then you can enjoy your clothes for many seasons and also they can withstand being used for many more years."
- Marlene, Co-founder of Byflou.com
Shipping & Delivery
Climate compensated packages
DHL is one of the leading players in shipping and logistics, and they actively take responsibility for their impact on the environment. By offering climate-compensated parcels and green logistics solutions, they help reduce CO2 emissions from their operations. This includes the use of renewable energy in their means of transport, such as cars, trucks, planes and ships, as well as using responsible transport solutions for final delivery with electric vehicles or bicycles.
CO2-free to a million Danes
Bring has reached an important milestone in their green transition by now delivering CO2-free to a million Danes. With the addition of more electric cars to cities such as Fredericia, Vejle and Kolding, Bring is expanding their environmentally friendly delivery service, which already included the capital region and other larger areas. This initiative is part of the company's wider goal to become completely fossil-free in Denmark by 2025.
Warehouse & Packaging
Optimising packaging
We make a virtue of optimizing our packaging to minimize our impact on the environment. When we pack your purchase, we use the smallest possible box to avoid wasting space, and we keep an eye on the right balance between necessary filling in the packages and the fragility of the product. We prioritize the use of original packaging from the suppliers and at the same time our cardboard boxes are made from 95% recycled material and our mail order bags are made from 80% recycled plastic.
Packaging filling from waste
We believe in recycling all waste materials, which is why we shred our own leftover cardboard into functional packaging filler. This has significantly reduced our use of 1st generation fillings after the implementation of recycled fillings. The packaging filler is thicker than similar plastic fillers, but at the same time is gentle on the surface of the products. In one year, we have reduced our use of all fillings by almost 50% through optimisation of packaging and pack sizes.
Alternative tape
We have implemented the use of paper tape instead of plastic tape. Paper tape is much more efficient and durable compared to plastic tape, which has significantly reduced our use of tape. At the same time, it makes it easier for our customers to sort and recycle their packaging, as the paper tape can be sorted together with the cardboard and paper packaging.
"The ethical profile is always one of the first things we look into when we take on a new supplier. By focusing on quality and products made from environmentally friendly materials, we are helping to leave the planet a better place."
- Simon, CEO of Byflou.com
The Byflou Team
Alternative transport
We believe in alternative transport solutions that can reduce our impact on the environment. That's why we have a carpooling scheme for colleagues who live further away from the workplace. We encourage our employees to use public transport or more responsible choices such as travelling by train, bike or walking to work. We have also invested in electric cars for professional use and have set up charging stations to ensure that our employees' electrical cars are always fuelled with green energy.
Events for customers and staff
We are not in favour of throwing away products that are in good working order, which is why we have a programme where employees have the opportunity to buy returned products so that they are not simply thrown away. We also organise warehouse sales for customers, where we sell off returned og lightly damaged products that are still functional and beautiful at a small fraction of the price. This way, we can avoid wasting resources and at the same time give our customers the opportunity to buy quality products at even more affordable prices.
Customer Service
Minimising returns
We will do our part to avoid unnecessary returns of goods, as shipping and handling require a lot of environmentally damaging resources. That's why we don't offer free returns abroad, nor do we despatch orders unless absolutely necessary. This has proven to be an effective way to reduce returns while protecting the environment and our employees.
Informative customer service
Many returns can actually be avoided through informed purchases. That's why we have a solution-orientated and helpful customer service that can always find a good solution that both compensates the customer and avoids unnecessary returns. We also provide detailed product descriptions, pictures and good advice about our products through our customer service, so that our customers avoid buying incorrectly.
Reduction of paper
To care for our environment and forests, we have taken the initiative to reduce our paper consumption by not including return and delivery notes in the majority of our orders. Instead, invoices and return notes are sent digitally directly to the customer. This change has resulted in an annual paper saving of over one ton, equivalent to the paper pulp from about 50 trees per year.
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